Monday, January 10, 2011

Public input sought on downtown planning charrette report.

The public is invited to review a report from H3 Studio Inc. regarding the recently completed downtown planning charrette at an informational session Tuesday, Jan. 11, from 5-7 p.m. in conference room 1B of City Hall.

The charrette process, hosted in June by the Downtown Columbia Leadership Council (DCLC) and facilitated by H3 Studio, was designed to transform marginal areas of downtown while maintaining its existing strengths. The DCLC was charged with reviewing the recommendations from H3 Studio and presenting a report to Council following the review and public input.

On Tuesday, DCLC members will answer questions and provide additional information. Comment cards will be available for public input, and display boards showcasing the plan recommendations for two areas of downtown (North Village Arts District and Broadway/Providence Corridor) will be available for review.
"This downtown planning charrette resulted in considerable engagement and participation from just about every stakeholder in the downtown area, as well as the general public,” said Assistant City Manager Tony St. Romaine. “I think the DCLC has been very pleased with the finished plan written by H3 Studio, and both they and I look forward to receiving input and to continue the process of evaluating ideas that will add to the economic vitality of Columbia's downtown."  

For more information, contact the City Manager’s Office at (573) 874-7214.