Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fifth & Walnut Parking Garage Percent for Art

A major Percent for Art we have underway right now is being planned for the city's Fifth and Walnut Parking Garage downtown. Artist Stuart Keeler is already under contract and just recently submitted his basic design concept. The City's Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA) is gathering public comment on it now and invite you to be a part of that process.
draft image of exterior of parking garage stair tower with general view of colored glass panels
A summation of the proposed design concept can be found here:

You'll see the electronic "comment card" link about mid-way down the main page. You may use it to provide feedback, if you are so inclined. One comment is allowed per computer to avoid repeats. And so that you know, the process is very anonymous.

Key to this aspect of the process is receiving constructive if you can, take a little time to read Keeler's statement and look at all the supporting images and then let the City know what you think, good, bad or indifferent. The comments received by Monday will be provided to tge Standing Committee on Public Art as they finalize this project and move it forward.