Friday, March 26, 2010

Downtown Safety Summit Recommendations

Last night, the Downtown Safety Summit made the following recommendations:

  • Maintain geographic policing of The District.
  • Install public or private security cameras in areas of high crime, as determined by the police chief.
  • Improve lighting in alleys by increasing the brightness of the existing lights or installing additional ones.
  • Revise the panhandling ordinance to give businesses more room around their doors and a clearer path for customers entering the business.
  • Require bar employees to pass a server training program, such as MU's S.M.A.R.T. Program.
  • Designate certain weekends, especially sporting weekends, as "event nights." On such weekends, The District would be managed similar to a festival by adding trash cans, portable toilets and more.
  • Improve nightime public transportation options.
  • Install emergency call boxes in strategic areas. (Tentative--pending ongoing research).

The Safety Summit is looking for your input. Please send comments to the Chair of the Safety Summit, John Baker, at