Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Proposed Dumpster Removal

Attention all businesses located on the Panera Bread Block (between Tenth & Ninth and Cherry & Locust):

As you may know, the City has been trying to replace the dumpsters located in your alley with a larger, enclosed compactor. Removing dumpsters makes the public alley more accessible to pedestrians, emergency vehicles and delivery vehicles and, for this alley in particular, tend to keep things cleaner.

Compactors also keep rates low downtown. Right now, commercial trash rates outside of downtown are increasing 60% while those within downtown are remaining the same.

However, we’ve found that adding a compactor to your block would eliminate too many parking spaces. An alternative plan has been proposed that would remove all the dumpsters from this block. Businesses would take their trash either to the dumpsters located across Ninth St. by the City Centre or across Tenth St. behind the white houses--or at least where they used to be.

Please let us know your opinion of this plan by emailing us at info@discoverthedistrict.com.

We encourage you to speak with your employees, janitorial service, or anyone else directly responsible for taking out the trash.