Friday, March 5, 2010

New Business Update

We've got a fresh group of new businesses opening up in The District! Here's the scoop:

Cafe 9 Nove - 912 Broadway Ste. 101
Aren't you looking for a new place for lunch? Sandwiches and salads plus your am caffeine fix.

La Siesta Mexican Restaurant - 33 N. Ninth
Stop by for some authentic fare before your next Blue Note show.

9th Street Hookah Lounge - 32 N. Ninth
Yes, you hang out and smoke hookahs there. Not just the cool kids allowed.

Seva Unliminted - 910 E. Broadway

Moon Valley Therapy - 920 E. Broadway Ste. A

Spectrum Studios - 210 St. James St.

Ambrosia Flowers - N. Providence Road
Welcome back to The District!