This Monday, September 14th at the Missouri Theatre, Carl Hurley and Jeanne Robertson are performing at 2:00 PM. There will be approximately 10-12 motor coaches bringing groups to see the show.
The CVB is coordinating the unloading/loading of these coaches with the assistance of the Columbia Police Department. The meters on the south side of Locust between 9th and 10th hooded, and will be used to unload the coaches. After the show, the coaches will park on Locust as tightly as possible to load them back up. There will be officers directing traffic through the intersection to minimize congestion as much as possible. Depending on the number of coaches, Locust will be blocked from either 9th to 10th or 8th to 10th. If at all possible, we will try to keep the coaches on the block of Locust from 9th to 10th.
In the past, they have been able to load the coaches completely within 15-20 minutes. The goal of the CVB and the Missouri Theatre is to minimize any disruption to the surrounding businesses as much as possible while maintaining the safety of the passengers- mostly elderly- as they move into and out of the theatre. This performance does provide a boost of business for the District, as quite a few of the groups are eating downtown, and/or shopping prior to or after the show.