Secretary of State Robin Carnahan is reminding Missouri business owners that the renewal period for fictitious name registrations ends on August 28, 2009. Due to a change in state law, any fictitious name filed on or before August 28, 2004 must be renewed for the first time in the state's history.
Fictitious names are primarily registered by individuals who wish to do business under a name other than their actual name. For example, if John Doe is doing business as "John's Tailor Shop" he must register that name with the state. Corporations and LLCs must also file a fictitious name if they conduct business under a name other than the name of their company.
Although there are currently over 500,000 fictitious names filed with the state, many may be registered to companies that no longer exist. Fictitious name registrations filed as early as the 1900's are still considered active because the names have never had a renewal requirement until now. Even fictitious names filed more recently may be unused -- the Small Business Administration estimates only 31% of new businesses survive more than seven years.
"We are working hard to inform Missourians about this new requirement," said Carnahan. "I encourage any individual or business using a fictitious name that was filed on or before August 28, 2004 to complete this filing before the August 28, 2009 deadline; I also recommend they save time by filing online. Since taking office, online business filings have directly saved Missouri business owners over $10 million dollars and taxpayers millions more."
The new renewal requirement will help streamline government services and improve the quality of information available through the Secretary of State?s office. Missourians may use the Secretary of State?s web site to look up the owner of a fictitious name, as well as the registered agent of any corporation or LLC in the state.
If a business fails to file its renewal on time, their registration will expire making them unable to legally do business in Missouri. However, their fictitious name may be reregistered at anytime without a penalty. Fictitious name registrations filed after August 28, 2004, will expire five years from the date filed unless renewed.
Individuals and businesses are encouraged to register online or download the registration form and mail it to the Corporations Division of the Missouri Secretary of State's Office.
To look up your expiration date:
To renew online, visit the link above and click on "renew" in the left column.
To download the registration form:
There is a $7.00 filing fee for registrations. Organizations and businesses without access to a computer or the Internet can call the Corporations Division toll-free at 866-223-6535 to request a paper copy of the form. Questions related to fictitious name registrations should be directed to the Corporations Division of the Secretary of State's office.