Sergeant Chris Kelley heads up the new downtown beat. He's available via cell at 864-7408 , pager at 441-4818 and e-mail at Continue to use 911 and the non-emergency line at 442-6131 to report crimes but feel free to contact Sergeant Kelley with any concerns you may have.
Officer Tam Adams is back on the daytime beat. She's available at 268-8963 or
Officers Matt Gremore, Patrick Corcoran, Aaron Wheeler, Chris Hessenflow and Eric Hughes have also started patrols. They've been introducing themselves as much as possible but they're doing quite a bit of undercover work to cut down on underage drinking, panhandling and graffiti so they're trying to keep a lower profile than Officer Adams.
Officers will be patrolling on foot, bicycle, and horseback, within the boundaries of downtown. Chief Burton assures us that his top priorities include graffiti, vagrancy, and unruly behavior among the late night crowds.
The new police substation in our downstairs location is now up and running. The CPD stores their bikes and patrol equipment in our back room and we we have a computer linked to the main police station so officers can file their reports from a more convenient location. (Big thanks to Central Missouri Computers for the computer!)